Home > Lifecycle 48Hr Challenge > ACT Fire and Rescue (Pat Jones) Results last updated: 20/10/2013

ACT Fire and Rescue (Pat Jones)

Total Laps: 14 Total Distance: 121.0 km Last Lap Finished At: 15:54:27
Lap Distance Lap Time Total Time
1 20.9 16:14:47 16:14:47
2 20.9 59:21 17:14:08
3 20.9 2:57:49 20:11:57
4 5.3 19:29 20:31:26
5 5.3 3:23:19 23:54:45
6 5.3 22:59 24:17:44
7 5.3 19:23 24:37:07
8 5.3 18:04 24:55:11
9 5.3 54:45 25:49:56
10 5.3 18:43:50 44:33:46
11 5.3 16:09 44:49:55
12 5.3 24:02 45:13:57
13 5.3 22:10 45:36:07
14 5.3 15:50 45:51:57