Townsville 2021 multisport
Home > Adventurethon Townsville > Adventurethon Multisport Results last updated: 21/06/2021

Adventurethon Multisport

These result also currently include TASTE PADDLE only & ULTRA,ENDURO,TASTE & JUNIOR ride only.

Overall 1st 2nd 3rd
Ultra Adventurethon Allan & Justin Last minute Wayne McDonald Robert Laporte
Enduro Adventurethon Jarred Melanie Timothy Downes Family Shaun Van Der Merwe Tim Sprott
Taste of Adventurethon Jeff Pearce ALAN SMITH Rachel Willard
Junior Adventurethon Jack Greenwood Joah Doble Clayton Downes
Mountain Bike only Tyler Leese Brendon Mausolf meredith Watkins
Category 1st 2nd 3rd
ULT Male Open (18-39yrs) Robert Laporte Rickie Single Craig Mcphan
ULT Female Open (18-39yrs) Bec Wood
ULT Male Masters (40+yrs) Wayne McDonald James Leonard Max Kadel
ULT Female Masters (40+yrs) Rachel Gibson Tanya Laporte
ULT Male Grand Masters (50+yrs) David Nahrung Rob Smythe Mark Dowel
ULT Male Ultra Grand Masters (60+yrs) Mark Bartsch
ULT Team Allan & Justin Last minute Laura & Kate Persistent Maniac Sisters
END Male Junior (u18yrs) Michael Fourie
END Female Junior (u18yrs) Nalize Fourie Charlana Fourie Ayla Savage
END Male Open (18-39yrs) Tim Sprott Carl Harbour Aaron Murphy
END Female Masters (40+yrs) Kat Kuiti
END Male Masters (40+yrs) Shaun Van Der Merwe Stevo Connell
END Female Grand Masters (50+yrs) Sandy Smythe
END Pairs Jeff & Henry Old and New Cara & Catherine C’s the Adventure Madeleine & Val MadVal
END Team Jarred Melanie Timothy Downes Family Sheldon & Dana Leigh Dreyer Jackie Michael William The Downes Crew
TASTE Female Rachel Willard Ally Lawler Mary-Anne Paterson
TASTE Pairs Jackie & Stacey McDonnell Catherine & Leisa Cat and Lees
JNR Male (8-12yrs) Joshua Dreyer Noah Payne
JNR Male (13-17yrs) Jack Greenwood Joah Doble Clayton Downes
JNR Female (13-17yrs) Sofia Blanco-Boyle Brooke Elliott Hannah Frey
JNR Pairs Koby & Paige
ULT RIDE Female Junior (u18yrs) Kristen Rowlands
END RIDE Male Masters (40+yrs) Brendon Mausolf Dudley Goodman Scott Rowlands
ULT RIDE Male Open (18-39yrs) Simon Allery Luis Yanez Garcia
END RIDE Female Ultra Grand Masters (60+yrs) laine arlett
TASTE RIDE Female Stacey Griffiths Muriel Bindol
ULT RIDE Male Masters (40+yrs) Tim Fleming Jason Cross Glenn Ltons
ULT RIDE Female Masters (40+yrs) Amanda Cross
END RIDE Female Grand Masters (50+yrs) Michele Gow Leigh Smith Lee-Anne Benson
END RIDE Female Masters (40+yrs) meredith Watkins
JNR RIDE Male (8-12yrs) Joel Van Der Merwe
END RIDE Male Grand Masters (50+yrs) Fernando Portillo Peter Benson
TASTE RIDE Male Tyler Leese
ULT RIDE Male Grand Masters (50+yrs) Billy Guy Javier Gomez
END RIDE Male Junior (8-12yrs) Rylan Pinney
ULT RIDE Male Junior (13-17yrs) Tom Doyle Jayden Watson
END RIDE Male Open (18-39yrs) Matt Pinney